Tools for Teaching
For assistants organizing lectures
- Guidelines and information for organizing lecture and seminars
- eDoz
- To request a metaphor website, send an eMail. Instructions to maintain.
- SAMup tool readme, and interface.
- Übungssammlung / Exercise collection (old but working!)
- TeX Templates: central git repo for teaching and exam templates
- Problem set TeX templates: here
- Exam tools and templates: for written and oral exams, with documentation.
For lecturers
- Main Site for Teaching at D-MATH
- MELETE Blog with ideas and initiatives in teaching
- STACK at D-MATH (to be released soon)
- Educational development@DMATH (german only)
- Overview
- BrückenkursSchulmathematik: If you teach a 1st semester (service) course.
- Asteriscus Brückenkurs: Material beyond school maths.
- Collection Khan exercises: Exercises covering 1st year topics.
- (Self-)Assessment
- EduApp login and service description
- Moodle login and service description
- Grade correction forms